
Top 10 Personalized Books for Kids

Best Children’s Personalized Books

Over the past few years, personalized children’s books have gained popularity for obvious reasons: they are awesome. They provide children with the chance to star in their own stories and transport them as they enjoy the adventures.

The top 10 best children’s personalized books offers a fantastic selection to choose from, including books all about fairy tales, Mother Goose nursery rhymes, fishing adventures, and even Batman. The Mother Goose book gives kiddies the opportunity to take the place of their favorite character, while the fairy tale book takes your youngling to a magic garden where sprites await to crown her princess. Kids even get to be superheroes in the Batman book and help the Caped Crusader obtain an important robot from Catwoman.

The top 10 best personalized books for children enrich young imaginations and will perhaps inspire your children to write their own stories! Enjoy reading these outstanding books with your kids and letting your imaginations go to all kinds of great places.

What’s here:  This fantastic compilation of the 10 best-personalized books for children was created by real moms and educators who enjoyed these books themselves or taught them in class. Numerous types and themes of books are included in the list to keep your youngin’ stimulated.

For shoppers: Purchasing any of these high-quality book options is easy–just visit Amazon! Please note that we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.  Also note that our recommendations are 100% made because we love the companies and products and are never influenced in any way by any commission we may receive.

What’s Here:

1. Look Who Is Coming by VaZu Kids
2. My Very Own® Name Personalized Storybook by Maia Haag
3. I Can Fly Super Duper High! Personalized Book by VaZu Kids
4. Mother Goose Personalized Children’s Book by Create-A-Book
5. My Birthday Surprise
6. My Very Own® Fairy Tale by Maia Haag
7. My Fishing Adventure by Valerie Webb
8. The Big Parade
9. Personalized Ballerina Princess Children’s Book by Michael Stewart
10. Batman Personalized Children’s Book by Best Books

1. Look Who Is Coming by VaZu Kids

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First up on the list of the top 10 personalized books for kids in 2017 is Look Who Is Coming by VaZu Kids.

This book is 100% personalized.

You can send in special photographs of your youngster and familiar loved ones in their life.

VaZu Kids will work these pictures, and custom names, into the story beneath flip-over flaps. What a great idea!

Check it out on Amazon


2. My Very Own® Name Personalized Storybook by Maia Haag


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Next among the best personalized kids’ books this year is My Very Own® Name Personalized Storybook by Maia Haag.

Their name is one of the first important things a child can learn.

This book is customized with your youngster’s first name, middle name (if applicable), last name, and birth date.

Unique animals spell out your tyke’s name in vivid letters before celebrating their entire name on the last page.

Check it out on Amazon


3. I Can Fly Super Duper High! Personalized Book by VaZu Kids


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Another personalized book from VaZu kids makes it to the top 10 list for 2017- I Can Fly Super Duper High!.

For your adventurous little boy or girl. This book is high-flying fun that puts pictures and names into a special story. Kids take to the skies, navigating through cloudy conditions in a rickety plane. Of course, they save the day.

Check it out on Amazon




4. Mother Goose Personalized Children’s Book by Create-A-Book

Mother Goose Personalized Children's Book by Create-A-Book

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Mother Goose Personalized Children’s Book by Create-A-Book comes in fourth of the best personalized books for kids this year.

Your kiddo takes the place of a character in classic Mother Goose favorites.

Traveling through the land of nursery rhymes, your little one is introduced to the lovely Little Bo Peep and her sheep, Jack and Jill, and many others.

Check it out on Amazon



5. My Birthday Surprise


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Next up on the list – My Birthday Surprise personalized book.

Dreams come true in this book of birthday surprises. Your youngster embarks on a fun, quirky trip to fulfill their birthday wishes and special dreams.

The tale comes to an end when your little one’s family and friends appear to throw them a special birthday celebration, complete with a cake.

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6. My Very Own® Fairy Tale by Maia Haag


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Marking 6th on the list – My Very Own® Fairy Tale by Maia Haag.

Fairytales abound in this book and your little girl is in for a true adventure of magical proportions.

Taking place in a magic garden, your kiddo is transported to a flower kingdom, where fairies and await to crown her princess.

The fairies bring ABCs to spell your daughter’s unique name.

Check it out on Amazon



7. My Fishing Adventure by Valerie Webb

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HItting the next spot among the top kids’ personalized books for 2017 – My Fishing Adventure by Valerie Webb.

An instant fishy favorite, your youngster is transformed into a Fishing Bear, nicknamed Bobber.

In a competition of fishing challenges, Bobber is tasked with catching the biggest fish EVER.

There is a laugh-out-loud version of this book for grown-ups, too.

Check it out on Amazon


8. The Big Parade


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The Big Parade personalized book makes it to the 8th spot on the “best of” list this year.

The Big Parade is coming to town and the Mayor asks your kiddo to lead them.

Riding in a red firetruck, your little one leads bands of galloping horses, preening ponies, marching bands, pirouetting bears, tip-toeing juggler, and lots of other circus-esque attractions and entertainers. Great for learning the ABCs.

Check it out on Amazon



9. Personalized Ballerina Princess Children’s Book by Michael Stewart

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The Personalized Ballerina Princess Children’s Book by Michael Stewart makes it to #9 on the list.

Your little girl is the Ballerina Princess in this pink-tastic book. Of course it mentions your little lady’s beautiful name, but the story also incorporates two loved ones and their hometown.

What an imaginative, sweet read for your girlie girl.

Check it out on Amazon



10. Batman Personalized Children’s Book by Best Books

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The final pick of the top ten kids’ personalized books in 2017- Batman by Best Books.

I loooove Batman. In this book, your tyke plays a starring role alongside the caped crusader.

When Catwoman nabs an important robot, Batman and your kiddo are forced to track her down and return the artifact before that bad kitty wreaks total citywide havoc.

A great read for little superheroes-in-training.

Check it out on Amazon